Student Wellbeing

Parenting Ideas

At St John’s we maintain strong links with our families in order to know and understand our students better and to support parents/guardians wherever possible.

We currently subscribe to Michael Grose’s ‘Parenting Ideas’ as a School Member. This gives our staff access to a range of resources that help us assist families in raising confident, happy and resilient children.

We highly recommend Michael’s website which is a gateway to information and resources for Parents, Books & Guides, a Parenting Blog, Online Courses and Webinars. Some access to resources require a paid subscription. It gives advice on a wide range of parenting-related issues such as behaviour, social challenges, dealing with teenagers, as well as daily life and routines.

Please look out for excerpts from Michael’s articles in our weekly newsletter like the ones below:

It’s Not OK to be Away or be Late to School: When kids miss school, not only is their academic progress impeded, forcing them to catch up on missed work (which some never do), they often miss important interactions with their peers which can compound issues of social isolation and low self-esteem. One of the most important things you can do to ensure your child has a bright future is to make sure he or she goes to school every day—and gets there on time.

School-age Children and TV, YouTube, Games and Movies:  ‘There’s a rising trend of children watching adult content. Sex scenes, violence and inappropriate language, once shown on television during an adults-only time, are becoming staple viewing for many of today’s children. In a recent poll of 1,800 US parents, 40% admitted allowing their children to watch movies that are unsuitable for their age group.

Michael Grose when speaking with Aussie parents suggests that the trends are similar here. ‘Very few of the parents he spoke with referred to the classification guidelines when choosing content for their children’.

From conversations with our children, and observing the games they like to play, it is evident that many are exposed to violent games, movies or video clips.

Please download the article “What content are children watching?” for further information

Further Information:

Are They Old Enough?  How to navigate key online milestones for your child.

Parents and carers play a key role in guiding their children as they first encounter the online world and begin to learn through exploration, play and social interaction.

When is your child old enough to take their first online steps and begin to explore on their own? How soon are they ready for smartphones and social media accounts?

 Source: Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner